Sunday evening I decided I'd chased the little man up the stairs one too many times and I'd asked Ed to put up the baby gates (yes, plural) one too many times. I took the gates out of the boxes, read the directions, and put up the one at the base of the basement stairs! It was so easy and took maybe 5 minutes. Then it was on to do the regular stairs where I encountered problems like the darn gate doesn't quite fit at the bottom and there's a decorative molding along the stairs that causes the gate to not sit level. hmph. So I had to employ the help of an outside party. I also couldn't get the magnetic safety latch onto the door of the bar (do I have to clean up the bottles AGAIN??), so I called Andy. In true Andy style, he couldn't help. Ok, I'll cut him some slack in that we didn't have the right drill bit... With luck he'll bring it this weekend and install the locks on the bar, fishtank, drawers, and cabinets. Little Man is just way too curious now and there's way too much stuff he could get hurt on.
In other news, I'm hosting Easter for the 3 of us, Mimi and Andy. Should be interesting. I just decided I'd do it as of last night--I'd been boycotting the holiday but that's just too long of a story and I don't really have the energy to write it all here.... I have nothing NOTHING set and I'm freaking out. Gotta make a menu, decide on table decor, get baskets made, plan the egg hunt for the Little Man, um... grocery shop, CLEAN! Lord, WHY am I doing this and not making reservations???
Stay tuned for the event summary on Monday. I'll also have an update from the IVF dr, so it should be good.
Gotta run... leaving for the city in an hour WITH Little Man. Yes, I'm out of my mind. Completely nuts. (but you knew that)
Photo: Sunset out the front door, Friday evening
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