Monday, August 18, 2008

Walk with me?

I somehow have put off forming my "team" for this year's lupus walk. Perhaps I've been preoccupied. Perhaps it's because I myself can hardly walk to the bathroom, let alone a mile. Perhaps it's b/c of the drama, but whatever it is, I need to do it. I need to be one of the hundreds (thousands?) walking downtown on Sept 6th. I had grand aspirations about 3 months ago of having a bunch of people with me to celebrate my 25th Anniversary of fighting lupus... and it got put on the back burner. I've done nothing besides thought about it occasionally. Very occasionally if that. But the fact of the matter is that probably the night of the 5th, I'll register for the walk, make plans with Ed and the little man to trek to the city, don my shirt from last year or the year before, and hobble a mile. I am not going to ask people to give money-- we already did that with the honorarium. I would just like it if I had a whole boat-load of people there with me. We could make a party out of it or something.

So if you want to join me, send me a comment, visit this website and let me know where to meet you. It's always good to do things with friends, yk?

Off to get another steroid shot, take *more* tylenol, and hit the sack. Remind me to buy stock in Tylenol, btw...

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